Thursday, May 29, 2008

what I want....

think about the last time you saw someone throwing a fit...
super annoying kind...
they're acting ridiculous.
to the point that you feel it almost appropriate to slap some sense into them.
maybe it was a kid...maybe an "adult"
hopefully the latest example offered by you was when you were MUCH younger...
I wish i could say the same.
Ok so it wasn't physically yelling and screaming...but I was totally enjoying my fit
how about junior high? elementary school?
you remember something that was just consuming you....something or someone you felt like you just HAD to have? yeah.
back then it was stupid, candy, clothes, status, relationships...
we spent days and weeks thinking of how much we needed it and how much better life would be if we did....we'd pretty much have the  perfect life then.... right?
and once we got it then we wanted something else...
actually, I have way too many current personal examples
its a crazy cycle - always something else to want and seemingly important enough to throw a fit about if I don't get it

a few years ago, a friend and I were looking for a place to live. Of course our favorite place was just a little too expensive for what I knew I could afford. I began to justify why I should go ahead and be stupid with my money....why it would make my life that much better. so worth it!
luckily we passed on it and settled for a more economical place.
Ironic...but not surprising, God provided a place that was so much better yet less expensive than my previous "ideal situation". I look out my window every day and see that former "ideal" a great reminder that He's always providing above and beyond.

Sometimes my "fits" these days come in the form of a prayer request to someone....I can package them in many creative ways that are more socially acceptable than me laying in the floor kicking and screaming...but its still just a plain fit. maybe God would rather me kick and scream for a few minutes than to carry an untrusting...uncontent heart.
I must always hold on to the fact that God is good.
Despite my perspective of reality around me....He's really good. More than I could ever imagine. 
Always working for whats best for us as it relates to His Kingdom...not just what we want.
I love the little dude in this video...if only I could hold on to the simple truth in this song like he is....

1 comment:

Amber Knowles said...

great video... words of truth spoken through a toddler. I love it:)