Monday, January 28, 2008

24 things....that happen on vacation

1. start the fun on the plane by laughing at people freaked out by turbulence - sorry if thats you

2. reunion with my brother, Chris at Denver International -the one with the mountainroof

3. drive into the rockies...letting them minister to me :)

4. greeted by two random golden retrievers (my favorite dog) upon parking - official sign of the Lord's blessing

5. re-learn how to build a fire in the fireplace

6. buy new ski pants that fit - those things shrink :0

7. hit the slopes - literally. and witness the grandest crash by my brother
(the aftermath - )

8. experience multiple slope catastrophes and slight collisions
(by the way, its good to try everything on the slopes that you were able to do in high school and college.....for the rst of your life.....your body can still do it ;)

9. leave the slopes early. drive through a blizzard and sliding semis for boarding at Keystone.

10. put boots on and - oh! what.....they just turned the lights out

11. hike the dark mountain to board anyway

12. solitude time. cry out. listen. peace. refreshment.
good stuff.

13. phone call - i have a new boss! exciting announcement this Sunday at church - glorious

14. arrive in L.A. - fail to change watch to Pacific time - decide that its got it in your head

15. witness L.A.ers freak out about rain

16. Wayne time - L.A. highlights

17. volunteer at Passion conference - Louie, Chan, Tomlin, Crowder, Redman

18. receive a Tom hug. quality.

19. calculate time for departure schedule during worship time...including faithful watch bearing Central time

20. walk into airport...proud of a masterminded itinerary. check in to a flight thats already gone. no more flights until tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon

21. humility dose for the holistic experience: begging, must be at church tomorrow morning, desperate phone calls, dad and travel agent to the rescue.....$400 one-way ticket to Houston. mom and, can you please take my car to another airport??? - yes, the one real far away.

22. dinner in Phoenix airport - the unfortunate, yet required stop

23. touchdown in Houston: 2:15 am - joyous ride on "car spot" bus through parking lot - attempting to find my graciously delivered car

24. 3:30 am....crawl in bed. vacation a success!

late foreword: friend gives me $500 just before I left...."God told me to give this to you...not sure what you'll need it for....but you're supposed to have this. have a great time!"
Now I see.
well? ...wait, did I mess that up, or was that provision for something that God knew would happen?

hurts my brain :)

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